Digital Price Inquiry – NS 3459

NS 3459 is a consensus and supplier-independent standard for the transfer of data between various programs for description and calculation, and offers based on items described according to NS 3420 or process codes from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Bane NOR. This XML schema is often referred to as the NS 3459 format.

A description with NS-based or process-based items is digitally sent in the NS 3459 format between different software systems. The transfer of descriptions based on this XML schema streamlines, and contributes to quality assurance and digitalization of the entire process related to a price inquiry, including offer evaluation and settlement. The standard helps to ensure software independence for users so that the client can easily set requirements for the delivery format XML "according to NS 3459 format".

NS 3459:2023 has been translated into English.

A separate XML schema has been developed to perform basic validation of the contents of an exchange file. This schema is not part of the standard, but it is used in connection with the generation of exchange files (by export/import from description and calculation programs). The NS 3459 format is developed according to the rules in NS 3420, so that the exchange file is validated according to NS 3420 rules. An example of an XML schema for NS 3459 is shown here with earlier editions of the standard, see the 2012 version of NS 3459.

It is recommended to use the current edition of NS 3459 which was established on 2023-05-05. The most important changes compared to the 2012 edition can be seen in the foreword of NS 3459:2023.

If you have questions related to the content of the standard and the use of NS 3459, you can do so by contacting the software supplier you plan to use or are using. Alternatively, you can contact for more information.

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