About us

There are five Standardisation Organisations in Norway, three standards writing bodies, one sales and marketing company, and one IT company.

This website covers two of the organisations, Standards Norway and Standard Online AS.

Standards Norway

Standards Norway is responsible for all standardisation areas except electrotechnology and tele communication. Standards Norway adopts and publishes some 1,500 new Norsk Standard (Norwegian Standards) annually. NS is adopted by Standards Norway based on national, European and International standards. Standards Norway is the Norwegian member of CEN and ISO.

Standards Online AS

Standards Online is responsible for marketing and sale of standards and related products in Norway. Standard Online is owned by Standards Norway (80 %) and the Norwegian Electrotechnical Committee (20 %).

Standards Digital

Standards Digital is an IT company majority owned by Standards Norway (SN) with approx. 35 employees in their offices in Norway and Latvia. The company provide cost-effective universal digital solutions as licensed services for the standardization market as well as both public and private sectors.

The solutions are designed to optimize and quality assure the standards development lifecycle including the marketing and distribution of documents. For more information about the products and services, please visit Standards Digital.