P Process

NORSOK P standards cover the needs of the Norwegian petroleum industry for development of cost effective standards and standardization within the field of process safety, engineering and technology to bridge the gap where the international standards are unsatisfactorily.

The P standards are developed by experts from the Norwegian petroleum industry and are based on expertise and shared experiences within process safety, engineering and technology.

NORSOK P-002:2023 Process system design, edition 2, was published in January 2023. The standard specifies requirements and guidelines for most frequently used process-, process support- and utility systems on offshore production facilities. Here you can find some additional information about NORSOK P-002:2023.

People sit in a meeting


Please send your comments on existing NORSOK standards to petroleum@standard.no.  Standards are subject to review at least every five years, and your comments will be saved until the upcoming review.

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NORSOK standards