Neste generasjon eurokoder

En ny generasjon eurokoder forventes å være ferdig i 2027-2028. De ulike delene blir imidlertid ferdige tidligere, og sendes fortløpende på høring. Her finner du en oversikt over når de nye utgavene forventes å være ferdige.

Dokumentene legges ut på høring på engelsk. Når høringsutgavene er tilgjengelige, finner du dem på nettsiden for standarder på høring.

Denne oversikten er oppdatert i september 2022.

NS-EN 1990-serien (Pålitelighet)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1990* (Hoveddel, tillegg A1, B, C, D, E, F) Basis of structural and geotechnical design sep.20 des.20 
NS-EN 1990* (tillegg A2,G,H) Basis of structural and geotechnical design sep.21 des.21
NS-EN 1990* (tillegg A3, A4, A5, A6) Basis of structural and geotechnical design sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1990-2 Assessment and retrofitting of existing Structures sep.23 des.23
* NS-EN 1990 har følgende tillegg: A2: Application for Bridges, A3: Application Towers and Masts, A4: Application for Silos and Tanks, A5: Application for Crane supporting structures, A6: Application for marine coastal structures, B: Management measures to achieve the intended structural reliability, C: Reliability analysis and code calibration, D: Design Assisted by Testing, E: Additional guidance for enhancing the robustness of buildings and bridges, F: Rain-flow and reservoir counting methods for the determination of stress ranges due to high-cycle fatigue, G: Bearing and expansion joints, H: Vibrations in Footbridges
NS-EN 1991-serien (Laster)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1991-1-1 General actions - Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1991-1-2  General actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire sep.21 des.21
NS-EN 1991-1-3  General actions - Snow loads mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1991-1-4 General actions - Wind actions sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1991-1-5  General actions - Thermal actions mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1991-1-6 General actions - Actions during execution mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1991-1-7  General actions - Accidental actions sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1991-1-8  Actions from waves and currents on coastal structures sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1991-1-9  Atmospheric Icing mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges sep.21 des.21
NS-EN 1991-3 Actions induced by cranes and machinery mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1991-4 Silos and tanks sep.24 des.24
NS-EN 1992-serien (Betong)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1992-1-1 General rules, rules for buildings, bridges and civil engineering structures sep.21 des.21
NS-EN 1992-1-2  General rules- structural fire design sep.21 des.21
NS-EN 1993-serien (Stål)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1993-1-1 General rules and rules for buildings sep.20 des.20
NS-EN 1993-1-2  General rules–Structural fire design mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1993-1-3  Supplementary rules for cold-formed members and sheeting mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1993-1-4 Stainless steels mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1993-1-5  Plated structural elements mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1993-1-6 Strength and Stability of Shell Structures mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1993-1-7  Plate assemblies with elements under transverse loads mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1993-1-8  Design of joints mar.21 jun.21
NS-EN 1993-1-9  Fatigue mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1993-1-10  Material toughness and through-thickness properties mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1993-1-11  Additional rules for steel grades up to S960 mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1993-1-13  Steel beams with large web openings mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1993-1-14  Design assisted by finite element analysis sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1993-2  Steel Bridges mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1993-3  Towers, masts and chimneys mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1993-4-1 Silos mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1993-4-2 Tanks mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1993-5 Piling sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1993-6 Crane supporting structures mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1993-7 Design of sandwich panels    
NS-EN 1994-serien (Samvirke stål og betong)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1994-1-1 General rules and rules for buildings mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1994-1-2 General rules - structural fire design mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1994-2 General rules and rules for bridges mar.24 jun.24
NS-EN 1995-serien (Tre)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1995-1-1 General Common rules and rules for buildings sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1995-1-2 General Structural fire design sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1995-2 Bridges sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1995-3 Execution sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1996-serien (Mur)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1996-1-1 General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures okt.19 feb.20
NS-EN 1996-1-2 Structural fire design sep.22 des.22
NS-EN 1996-2 Design considerations, selection of materials and execution of masonry sep.22 des.22
NS-EN 1996-3 Simplified calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures sep.21 des.21
NS-EN 1997-serien (Geoteknikk)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1997-1 General rules sep.22 des.22
NS-EN 1997-2 Ground Properties sep.22 des.22
NS-EN 1997-3 Geotechnical structures sep.22 des.22
NS-EN 1998-serien (Seismisk påvirkning)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1998-1-1 Seismic action and general rules mar.22 jun.22
NS-EN 1998-1-2 Rules for new buildings sep.24 des.24
NS-EN 1998-2 Bridges mar.23 jun.23
NS-EN 1998-3 Assessment and retrofitting of buildings and bridges sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1998-4 Other Structures sep.23 des.23
NS-EN 1998-5 Geotechnical aspects, Foundations, Retaining and Underground structures sep.22 des.22
NS-EN 1999-serien (Aluminium)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 1999-1-1 General structural rules mar.21 jun.21
NS-EN 1999-1-2 Structural fire design mar.21 jun.21
NS-EN 1999-1-3 Structures susceptible to fatigue mar.21 jun.21
NS-EN 1999-1-4 Cold-formed structural sheeting mar.21 jun.21
NS-EN 1999-1-5 Shell Structures mar.21 jun.21
NS-EN 19100-serien (Glass)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
NS-EN 19100-1 Basis of design and materials    
NS-EN 19100-2 Design of out-of-plane loaded glass components    
NS-EN 19100-3 Design of in-plane loaded glass components and their mechanical joints    
NS-EN 19100-4 Glass selection relating to the risk of human injury - Guidance for specification    
NS-EN 19101-serien (Komposittmateriale)
Nummer Tittel Forventet høring Forventet høringsfrist
SN-TS 19101 Design of Fibre-polymer composite structures